My Story: How Sandy Miller Scarred me Forever
As a French woman, the Alps have always been a part of me. Their beauty, their power, their majesty—it’s something that has always felt like home. Despite my deep love for the mountains, I wasn’t a skier growing up, and learning to ski had always been something I dreamed of. A couple of years ago, I finally decided to take the plunge and learn to ski. Since I was a beginner, I knew I needed an experienced guide to help me navigate the basics and ensure I was safe. That’s how I came across Sandy Miller. His website, Mountain Relish, made him seem like the perfect guide—an International Mountain Leader with decades of experience who works with skiers of all levels, including beginners like me. I believed I had found someone I could trust. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
Right from the start, Sandy’s attitude was a shock. He was dismissive and inattentive from the moment the lesson began. As a beginner, I needed clear, patient instruction, but instead, I received vague directions and no real support. He seemed completely uninterested in my progress. Every time I asked for clarification, he made me feel like I was an inconvenience, as though my lack of experience was a burden to him. It was deeply unsettling to be treated that way, but I convinced myself that I was in good hands because of his reputation.

As the lesson continued, it became clear that Sandy wasn’t paying attention to my safety. He skied ahead frequently, leaving me to figure things out on my own, despite knowing I was just starting out. I felt increasingly unsafe but kept trying to trust him as the professional. But then the worst happened. Due to his lack of clear guidance and attention, I lost control and fell hard. I remember the moment of impact—the sharp, immediate pain in my leg. I was in agony, lying there in the snow, unable to move, terrified of the injury I had just sustained.
What happened next shocked me even more than the injury. Instead of rushing to help or showing any concern, Sandy approached me with anger and coldness. He blamed me for the fall, saying I hadn’t listened to his instructions. His words were harsh and cruel, accusing me of causing my own injury. Here I was, a beginner who trusted him to guide me, and instead, I was left feeling humiliated and abandoned. I couldn’t believe that someone who calls himself a professional would act with such heartlessness.
The injury was severe. My leg was shattered. I needed multiple surgeries, which have cost me over €20,000 in medical bills, and two years later, I still cannot walk properly. My life has been turned upside down, and I can no longer enjoy the mountains I once loved so much. But what made everything worse was Sandy’s behavior afterward. When I reached out to him for help, hoping he would at least offer some support or acknowledge the role his negligence played in my injury, he once again brushed me off. He even falsely claimed that his insurance could help cover the medical costs, but that never happened. I was left to deal with the financial burden on my own, while he continued to ignore my pain and suffering.
A Warning to Others: Sandy Miller Is Reckless and Dangerous

I’m sharing my story because people need to know the truth about Sandy Miller. His website, Mountain Relish, makes him seem like a seasoned, professional guide, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Sandy Miller is dangerous. His negligence during my lesson as a beginner, combined with his utter lack of concern for my injury, makes him someone who should not be trusted with anyone’s safety. He didn’t just fail to protect me—he actively made things worse by blaming me for his own lack of care. He even made false promises about his insurance helping with the medical bills, which never materialized. He simply walked away from the situation, leaving me to pick up the pieces of my shattered health and life.
If you’re thinking of booking a lesson or guided experience with Sandy Miller, please, don’t. The mountains are already a dangerous place, and the last thing anyone needs is a guide who doesn’t care about their safety. Sandy Miller’s negligence has cost me two years of my life, and I don’t want anyone else to experience what I have. There are many professionals out there who genuinely care about their clients—Sandy is not one of them.
I also encourage anyone else who has had a similar experience with Sandy to stand up and share their story. It’s time we hold him accountable for the reckless behavior he gets away with. Together, we can make sure that no one else falls victim to his carelessness. Speak up. Write reviews. Warn others. By standing together, we can help protect future clients from the pain and suffering I’ve endured.
Avoid Sandy Miller at all costs.
His website: Mountain Relish
Profile Link: Run the Alps Guide Network
The mountains were my dream, but Sandy Miller turned them into a nightmare. Two years of pain and struggle have passed, and I will never be the same again. Please, don’t let him take your dream away too. Stay far away from him and don’t trust your safety to a man who cares for nothing but his own image.
I had a very disappointing and dangerous skiing session with Sandy Miller. The instructor’s guidance was unclear and careless, resulting in a major injury during the lesson. This injury has cost me over €20,000 in medical expenses and recovery.
What made the situation worse was the instructor’s rude and unprofessional behavior afterward. When I reached out to discuss the incident, I received rude messages and was completely ignored in further follow-ups.
I strongly advise against booking any sessions with this instructor, as their lack of professionalism and disregard for safety can lead to serious harm. Don’t risk your health and safety!
Le pire cours de ski que j’ai jamais pris. Sandy Miller manquait clairement d’attention, et son comportement après le cours était impoli. Je ne recommande pas du tout.
Très déçu de mon cours avec Sandy. Pas assez d’attention, des conseils peu clairs, et une attitude vraiment désagréable. Je déconseille.
Schrecklicher Skikurs. Sandy Miller war nicht aufmerksam und nach dem Kurs sehr unhöflich. Würde ich nie wieder buchen.
Je suis extrêmement déçue par le cours que j’ai pris avec Sandy Miller. Il manquait d’attention, n’a pas donné des instructions claires, et son comportement après la leçon était tout simplement impoli. Ce n’était pas du tout l’expérience que j’attendais. À éviter.
Je ne recommande pas Sandy Miller. Il n’a pas prêté attention à ma progression pendant le cours, et sa manière de communiquer après était grossière. Ce n’était vraiment pas un bon investissement, et je ne reviendrai pas vers lui pour d’autres cours.
Jag förväntade mig mycket mer från lektionen med Sandy Miller. Han verkade ointresserad av att ge bra instruktioner och brydde sig inte om att ge ordentlig feedback. Efteråt var han mycket otrevlig när jag försökte ställa frågor. Inte alls vad jag hade hoppats på.
Mein Skikurs mit Sandy Miller war eine große Enttäuschung. Seine Anweisungen waren unklar, und er war nicht aufmerksam. Nach dem Kurs reagierte er sehr unfreundlich, als ich Fragen stellte. Das war definitiv nicht das Geld wert.
Je dois malheureusement dire que mon expérience avec Sandy Miller a été extrêmement décevante. Pendant le cours, il ne semblait pas s’intéresser à mes besoins ou à ma progression. Les instructions étaient vagues, et je me sentais complètement ignorée. Pire encore, quand j’ai essayé de lui poser des questions après la leçon, il a été extrêmement impoli, refusant de me répondre correctement. Je ne m’attendais vraiment pas à une telle attitude d’un professionnel. Je déconseille ses services.
Jag är verkligen besviken på min skidlektion med Sandy Miller. Det var tydligt att han inte var uppmärksam under lektionen, och hans instruktioner var otydliga. Efter lektionen, när jag försökte få klarhet i några saker, var han otroligt otrevlig och ville inte ens svara på mina frågor. Jag hade förväntat mig en mycket bättre upplevelse för pengarna, och jag skulle inte rekommendera honom till andra.
Ich kann den Skikurs bei Sandy Miller nicht empfehlen. Seine Anweisungen waren während des Kurses nicht klar, und er schien keine Aufmerksamkeit auf die Schüler zu richten. Als ich nach dem Kurs Fragen stellte, reagierte er sehr unhöflich und war nicht hilfsbereit. Das ist einfach nicht akzeptabel von einem Lehrer.
J’ai eu une expérience très négative avec Sandy Miller. Le cours n’était pas bien structuré, il n’a pas fait attention à ce que je faisais, et j’ai trouvé ses instructions très floues. Après le cours, il a été extrêmement désagréable et n’a pas voulu répondre à mes questions. Je suis vraiment déçue, car je m’attendais à un service beaucoup plus professionnel.
Min upplevelse med Sandy Miller var mycket sämre än förväntat. Under skidlektionen verkade han helt ointresserad av att ge några riktiga instruktioner, och jag kände att jag inte lärde mig något. När jag efter lektionen ville ha svar på några frågor fick jag bara otrevliga och korta svar. Jag rekommenderar inte denna instruktör till någon, eftersom det helt saknade professionalism.